Fredagsbesök på Trattoria Pecorella med en 6 timmar slow-oxad:
Visa bifogad bild 24607
2013 Tignanello
(TN fr CT)
I avoid rating this btl because it's simply too young to assess for my skill set.
Plopped it in the early afternoon at the office, spreading beautiful aromas. At the restaurant, it was harsh and simply stonewalled us. No pleassure in this btl, other than it was delicious.
Just like lager is delicious after training or cold milk with cinnamon rolls.
Expected more, hoping to reap with the next bottle.
Had I scored my honest opinion tonight, it'd be like 84p.
Besvikelse gör ju inga under med fredagsfeelingen. Väl hemkomna avkorkades således en:
Visa bifogad bild 24609
1996 Château Lynch-Moussas, 93p
Nu pratar vi bra vin på riktigt! Precis som just nämnts här av
@buteljen , är det fascinerande vad Bordeaux Tier 3 kan åstadkomma med liten ålder. (Från CT):
Maturing colours.
Nose is rather strange, smells like the kind of meat you really don't want to cook. Not entitely attractive.
In the mouth this is a pure, red-berry wine with a butt of barnyard, Bdx-earth and beautiful tension between the happy acidity and friedly tannins. A lot of beautiful things going on.
If you are sensitive to oxidization notes, it may be time to start planning for the drinking-up as this was a btl with a perfect cork and the oxy-monster knocking on the door in the near years.
Will happily enjoy it again!