Massive Open Online Course. The MOOC has come to Champagne

Vad är en MOOC? "A course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people"
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You want to deepen your knowledge to better taste, present or sell Champagne?
The Comité interprofessionel du vin de Champagne (Champagne trade association), Comité Champagne, is pleased to announce the launch of its official teaching tool: the Champagne MOOC.
Who is it for? Everyone working in the wine industry – sommeliers, oenologists, wine merchants, buyers, journalists, sales representatives, tourism professionals, trainers, students etc, and the wine lovers, from all over the world.
Learn about Champagne from Jérémy Cukierman, Master of Wine 2017, and the people who work in the Champagne industry itself: the history of Champagne; the terroir that produces it; the Champagne making process; the many different varieties of Champagne wines and how to taste them.
How long is it? The total course runs for less than 5 hours.
When? It is your own choice: the platform is available 24/7!
How? Thanks to a large number of videos and quizzes, gathered in 4 thematics, you will check you progress at the close of each stage.
Once you have completed this exclusive course, you will be issued with an official Champagne MOOC Certificate, delivered by the Comité Champagne.